Wednesday 24 January 2018

Freezing and Unfreezing - part 1

Freezer cartridges are a common tool on the C64, to allow for saving, debugging and a bunch of other useful tasks.  However, getting the things to work on the MEGA65 is not easy, and even if we could get them working, they wouldn't be aware of the extra memory and special functionality of the MEGA65. So for these and other reasons, the MEGA65 will have a built-in freeze function, which will be accessed by pressing the RESTORE key for 0.5 - 2 seconsds, i.e., longer than a quick tap as would be used for RUN/STOP-RESTORE, but shorter than the 2 - 4 seconds which is used to trigger a reset (we might remove the reset function, once we have a functional reset button on the MEGA65, since it will become a bit redundant).

(Talking about the difficulties of supporting real freezer/fast load cartridges, the Epyx Fastload is a good example of the kind of strange problems that can come up.  As I discovered here, there is a little Resistor-Capacitor circuit on that cartridge, that causes it to disable itself, if it is not accessed for ~400 clock cycles.  Kickstart takes longer than this to check the SD card and load the user's preferences etc, and so the cartridge is never visible.  The Action Replay doesn't do that, but gets upset if you try to read from $DExx, and I have yet to actually get it to present its ROM. Apparently the Action Replay also uses some illegal opcodes. All in all, I have discovered them to be rather a pain to work with.  All the more reason to have a native freeze function on the MEGA65.)

One of the advantages we have on the MEGA65 is that we have the 16KB Hypervisor memory, plus Hypervisor traps, so we can completely suspend a running program, without having to overwrite even a single byte of the stack.  Thus, the resulting freeze function should be quite robust.

A challenge, however, is the saving and restoring of the SD card access registers and sector buffer.  The access registers are only a few bytes, so we can copy those to a scratch area in the Hypervisor memory.  Then we can write whatever is in the sector buffer to a reserved area on the SD card, so that it is safely recorded.  At that point we can safely make use of the SD card direct access facilities, without corrupting the state of the program being frozen, which should probably start with the stashed SD card access registers.

To un-freeze, we can finish off by loading the stashed sector buffer contents, and reading those stashed access registers back into the actual SD card access registers.  At that point, even a program that was making direct SD card access should be safely restored.

There are a couple further complications.

First, the F011 floppy controller sector buffer and the SD card direct access sector buffer cannot be direct memory mapped at the same time, so copying the F011 sector buffer to the SD card sector buffer is rather painful.  In fact, it is painful enough, that I have already written a fix, that makes the buffers visible at $FFD6E00-FFF (SD card direct access) and $FFD6C00-DFF (F011 floppy sector buffer).  A pleasant side-effect of this is that it also gives us 3KB of scratch space at $FFD6000-$FFD6BFF, which we can use in the freeze process, or indeed elsewhere in the Hypervisor.

Second, if a program was accessing the SD card directly, the things it was accessing may not be there any longer, which may result in the reading of sensitive data, or the corruption of who knows what.  This is actually a very strong argument for not allowing programs to have direct SD card access, except in the rarest of situations, and even then, having the user confirm granting of the permission to do this before the Hypervisor grants direct SD card access.  In fact, all storage access has similar problems. However, at least for F011 disk images and the real floppy drive, these can be reasonably managed by remembering the disk image that needs to be re-mounted on unfreeze, or similarly, if the F011 floppy controller should instead be connected to the real 3.5" floppy drive.

Apart from the above, it should just be a reasonably straight-forward process of writing blocks of memory out to the SD card. It would be really nice to have a DMA to/from SD card option to rather automate this, however, we don't (yet) have such a beast.

In terms of the various blocks of memory, some are not entirely trivial, such as the VIC-IV palette blocks, which we have to select which is visible in the memory map.  To solve this, and the fact that all of the state that we need to save is not contiguously arranged in the 28-bit address space, there is a list of regions that need to be saved/restored, together with their lengths, and a one-byte option that is used to select a little routine that is run before access, so that the region is visible and otherwise ready for copying.

As I have started to write the freeze routing, it hasn't surprised me that I have managed to mess up the SD card file system by writing sectors in the wrong place -- notably over the Master Boot Record, i.e., the partition table.  While I can use the native MEGA65 FDISK and FORMAT utility to put it back, it does wipe the FAT32 file system in the process, and thus the C65  ROM is removed, as well as the MEGA65 system partition.  This is important, because the freeze function can only work if there is a MEGA65 system partition, as otherwise it doesn't know where it can safely save the frozen program, and without the C65 ROM, the machine doesn't ever leave the Hypervisor, and so the freeze trap to the Hypervisor cannot happen.

My solution to this is to allow the native FDISK/FORMAT utility to realise when a ROM has been loaded, and to save that to the newly formatted file system at the end of the FORMAT function.  So now, if I mess up the SD card, I can just reset while holding the ALT key to get the Hypervisor Utility menu, select FDISK/FORMAT, reformat the SD card, and be on my way again, ready to mess it up again in no time at all -- and without having to pull the SD card out, which is a bit annoying to do with the prototype PCB.

The problem I am facing now is some reliability problems when wrting to the SD card: Basically the SD card controller locks up under certain conditions, and has to be reset to fix it.  These problems have become annoying enough, that I want to solve them once and for all.  This ties in with the lack of SDHC support, which is related to the same module. So my very next step is to try to switch out the old SD controller for the newer version of the open-source one that has been released in the meantime. Hopefully that will fix both SDHC support, as well as the lock-ups, and after that it should hopefully be relatively smooth sailing to having a working freeze function.

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